Support the podcast

I truly appreciate the support I receive from anyone who downloads, and enjoys the podcast, however if you’d like to support me further then there’s a couple of ways to do that.


I have a Patreon, with one simple tier for £3 a month. If you become a Patreon you will be rewarded with early-access to episodes, and best of all you will get to experience some exciting, exclusive episodes, that will see you join me on an actual paranormal investigation. I’ll talk you through every aspect of the night, and you will hear exactly what happened as these exclusive episodes will feature actual audio from the investigation.

Buy Me a Coffee

I know Patreon isn’t for everyone, and some people don’t want to commit to a monthly outgoing. For anyone who wants to support the podcast, but would prefer to make a small one off donation, why not buy me a coffee?

Rate and Review

Finally, if you enjoy the podcast please review and rate How Haunted? on your podcast app of choice, as this helps more people discover the podcast.